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Skill Set


Project Size

250 - 500 sq ft

Project Location

Front yard

Sun Exposure

Full sun

Year Completed


Time Commitment

More than 40 hours of labor

Project Cost

less than $500

Other Project Elements

Native or drought-tolerant plants, Drip irrigation system, Pathways, Berm/swale, Boulders

Professional Help


Advice from the Owner

We absolutely love our new front yard! It was positively abuzz with butterflies and bees once the blossoms started appearing. It's nice to have so much color and depth throughout the season as each plant blooms at a slightly different time. I am very much a beginner in the gardening area, while my husband is more of an expert, which was incredibly important in the drip irrigation conversion process. That process took much longer than we had anticipated and was more expensive because of the size of our yard/conversion. I wish I would've spent more time looking at the plans (from Garden In A Box) and ensuring there was plenty of room between the plants, but most everyone has said I can move them if they get too big (with a few exceptions).

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