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Terrie Leisher


1628 Sunset St., Longmont

Skill Set


Project Size

750 - 1,000 sq ft

Project Location

Front yard

Sun Exposure

Full sun

Year Completed

Sept 2022 - Ongoing

Time Commitment

More than 40 hours of labor

Project Cost

less than $500

Other Project Elements

Native or drought-tolerant plants, Drip irrigation system, Pathways, Berm/swale, Shrubs

Resource Central Programs

Garden In A Box, None

Professional Help


Advice from the Owner

Envision what you want your space to become, even if you have no experience. We did not want a desert garden with too much rock. We wanted beautiful, drought-tolerant plants that grow well in Colorado. Lots of research, especially Resource Central, helped us learn more about what we were doing...and we're still learning. A number of plants were lost due to our hard winter and late spring. They have now been replaced and everything is growing...some plants faster than others. With all of the rain this year, we are still trying to adjust to a suitable watering schedule, creating a deep water/deep root growth system. I would caution people to pay attention to the size that your plants will be in 2-3 years...gardens start out looking sparse but may overcrowd each other in 3 years.

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