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dave shelley



Skill Set


Project Size

500 - 750 sq ft

Project Location

Front yard

Sun Exposure

Full sun

Year Completed


Time Commitment

31 - 40 hours of labor

Project Cost

less than $500

Other Project Elements

Native or drought-tolerant plants, Drip irrigation system, Pathways, Berm/swale, Shrubs, Boulders

Professional Help


Advice from the Owner

The plants have grown so quickly! We have had bumble bees, honeybees, hummingbirds, and butterflies. Also, a lot of looky-loos and neighborhood folks pass by on their walks. In the photos, the landscaping above and behind the stone wall was installed in 2010. Our new garden was installed the week of June 13; the sod removal was in May. All the plants except one sunflower have survived. The neighbors on both sides have said they really like the new look. I should have had the contractor use more organic material - less rock - and make the bark mulch a little thicker. I will be working to rearrange some of the larger cobbles along the dry stream bed to look more natural. The contractor we used - EDI -was good to work with although the lead designer and foreman has left the company.

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