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Shawnee & Jaret



Skill Set


Project Size

500 - 750 sq ft

Project Location

Front yard

Sun Exposure

Full sun

Year Completed


Time Commitment

More than 40 hours of labor

Project Cost

less than $500

Other Project Elements

Native or drought-tolerant plants, Drip irrigation system, Pathways, Boulders

Resource Central Programs

Garden In A Box

Professional Help


Advice from the Owner

We rented a sod cutter and removed the sod ourselves so we could use our Resource Central credit toward plants. The cardboard sheet mulching worked great - we used landscape staples to hold it in place. We recommend waiting to put the cardboard down until you have your landscaping substrate ready to put down - it curled and lifted with all the rain we got this year. Also, connect with your local native plant groups! In addition to our Garden In A Box plants, we were also able to pick up some great plants from a native plant swap in our area. Can't wait to see it grown in!

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